Files and Folders Freeware Utilities :
1. access files remotely : places - connect to server
2. archive (zip) files : archive manager
3. backup/mirror a folder on another drive : nautilus copy
4. change file-date on multiple files : touch (command line)
5. compare two text files and find difference or merge them : meld
6. create a self-extracting compressed files archive for a list of files : upx-ucl (command line)
7. display size/space of folders on a drive : nautilus
8. encrypt a file : seahorse
9. find/delete duplicate files : fdupes (command line)
10. keep various versions of a file : storebackup (command line)
11. list all files in a directory/folder in a text/html file : *
12. locate a file on the hard drive : places - search
13. perform muliple operations on files/folders : *
14. rename multiple files : renamutils (command line)
15. search file/text on the computer : deskbar
16. search and replace text in multiple files : *
17. upload/download using FTP : gftp
18. upload/download using TFTP : gftp
19. use GMail to store some files : gmailfs
20. view all text files in a folder : *
This is a list of tools that are available in, at least, Ubuntu 6.10 (Edge Eft).
* these can be created easily with shell/perl scripting, but the purpose is to find ready-to-use apps.
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